Monday, December 10, 2012

Library's day

How the flip can someone study at the library?!

I have been in the library since 3 hours now but I think it is so distractive: people of every kind and looks come and go, cute guys, awful ones, either ways you cannot possibly ignore them especially if some of them have got the weirdest haircut ever; people coughing, sniffing, drinking, photocopying stuff but none talks, the atmosphere is surreal and creepy, you feel like in one of these horror movies of series B , something is going to happen. But in this case nothing happens, everybody studies so it is a very boring movie.

However when I finally felt that I was focused , a creep in front of my desk started staring at me and when I say -in front- I don't mean that he was 2 meters far from me , he was actually 50 cm away...and he stared for at least 15 minutes...freakin weirdo....
Since the guy kept looking, my friend Ivana and I decided to go out for lunch. The only problem with the two of us is that we are continuously bad influencing one another; we are masters in laziness and in the Art of wasting time. We couldn't get a normal sandwich as the average broke university student, it would have been too quick, we had to go to a restaurant (Cornucopia) and get a proper lunch, justifying that to ourselves as a deserved meal to make our brains more functional.
After that we passed in front of a french patisserie we always wanted to go to and, instead of going back to study, we stopped there getting a delicious french tart with cream.

We seriously got so much food today , I wasn't even able to walk in my jeans and I cursed myself for deciding to wear them this morning instead of my usual beloved comfy leggins. Anyway we finally gained courage and headed back to the I am supposed to write my assignment on media marketing..but I cannot stop thinking how uncomfortable studying in the library is...I mean when I am studying I look so horrible: I touch my face continuously, no seriously I cannot stop playing with my lips, I make the weirdest faces ever, especially one that looks like a “zombie-fish” ( it's hard to explain through words ) and then knowing that some creep could look at me in that moment freaks me out, well I am usually the kind of girl that doesn't give a shsh about other people's opinion, but it still freaks me out that some people go to the library to stare at you when you are in , what it's scientifically called, the “paranoiac university student-under exam-condition”.


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